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GAH Electrastream Boiler

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Hello there,

I was wondering if anyone knows any information about the GAH electrastream boiler?

I don't really understand how the system works and there doesn't some to be much simple information on the internet.

My friend has moved into a flat she bought at the beginning of the year, it's a small 1 bed flat and she rarely puts the heating on. There is no gas, hence the boiler type.

Scottish power have been charging her ÂŁ250 per month for electricity, and this is actual usage as she provides monthly readings. She has had the meter replaced twice but is still getting these outrageous bills. Could this possibly be related to the electrastream configuration?

She has hardly any other appliances and we're really lost at what to do and she can't keep affording to pay the bills. is there a specific type of engineer for these type of boilers?
We haven't managed to find a heating engineer yet who is able to look at this type of boiler.

Many thanks for any help and advice!


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I'm afraid these type of boiler are expensive to run, the way to go is find a energy supplier who can supply economy 10 or even economy 18 electricity and time the boiler to heat the cylinder in these off peak times , Scottish power are terrible to deal with I have recently left them after their poor customer service and sneaky price increases, so dump them and do a search for the above Economy 10 or even better 18 ok . Kop
Probably best to completely switch off the unit for two days and see what the actual electricity useage is over that period.

When in operation, assuming that your tariff is 25p/kwhr I would expect hot water to cost around ÂŁ2/ day and heating ÂŁ5 to ÂŁ8 day depending on useage.

Talk to the neighbours, if they have similar systems, and establish what their equivalent monthly costs are for comparison.

The system is essentially an Unvented Cylinder with a pumping arrangement - capable of delivering 6 to 8 kw of heating load and a cylinder of hot water.

When you say rarely puts the heating on, even an hour a day will cost ÂŁ2.

The best advise is Kop’s, it is unlikey to be a problem with the system or the meter.

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