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Water softener for mains supply

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Hi all, as the title says, few months ago moved into a house where the water is way harder than expected. We did not expect it because we lived in this area previously and did not have issues with the water back then, even though it's the same mains water supplier. I have done a test strip for the water and it showed that the water is 'very hard'. I am considering a Brita filter for things like kettle and coffee machine but I would ideally like something that looks after the whole house eg. washing machine and dishwasher.

Which is when came across these FLOMASTA ELECTROLYTIC COMPRESSION CONNECTION SCALE INHIBITOR. Has anyone had any experience with these before? Do they work? I am fed up of having to de-limescale the kettle once a week.

Link to the product: Flomasta Electrolytic Compression Connection Scale Inhibitor 15mm - https://www.NoLinkingToThis/p/flomasta-electrolytic-compression-connection-scale-inhibitor-15mm/1436f#BVQAWidgetID

Thanks in advance!
I live/work in a area where the mains water is described as 'aggressively hard'
The only lasting cure I've ever fitted/seen is a proper ion (salt) water softener.
They are a transformation yes they have running costs but I reckon on average they are cost neutral.
Less soap/ detergent clothes feel softer and way less wear on plumbing equipment.
I have to agree with exedon 2 the only real way of softening the water is with a salt water softener the block salt models are quite expensive but are the best, the other items you listed will not stop the formation of scale they may reduce it or make it adhere to surfaces, Brita water filters are good at removing impurities and bad taste from mains cold water . Kop
Do not waste your time with so called water conditioners, we have all been there and done that!

Consider investing in a salt based water softener, as previously mentioned, the block based ones are great. Expensive at first but think of them as a long term investment and you can take them with you when you move!

Had water softeners for 40 years (Permutit at first then Kinetico and now Harvey's)

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