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What on earth is happening in Birmingham

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king of pipes

Gas Engineer
Sitting here watching the early morning new there seems to have been violent behaviour in the city centre between groups of people , this is not acceptable behaviour and especially as the infection rate is climbing our medical professionals have more than enough to deal with right now , your views gentlemen ?? . Kop
Quite scary actually, I was in Brmingham City Centre yesterday for a bit, it was so crowded and kept having randomers come up to us beggars, weird people asking for directions, religious nuts. No masks or distance in queues we walked past.

Little one wanted to go to the massive Primark there but we were only in the centre for an hour and we left. We had our masks on and I always have gel in my bag but it was not a nice experience.

I didn't feel safe at all. I was already a bit worried about going as Birmingham is on the watch list I think, then this morning I hear about this incident and it has proper put me off going to any big city for a while.
Hate Birmingham city centre at the best of times but with Covid I'm avoiding it like the plague (literally I suppose). So many people seem to think everything is back to normal, trying to keep some distance from people when going through local high street (south brum suburb) is becoming harder and harder. If it wasn't for the ques outside the banks you wouldn't have a clue we were still in a pandemic.

Wouldn't mind so much if it only affected those being irresponsible but their actions put us all at risk, especially those of us that have to go into people's homes as part of our work. Feels like the calm before the storm at the moment.

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