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Happy Christmas from

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Happy Christmas From!​

We would like to wish all our members, new and old, a very happy Festive Season!

plumbing christmas.png

Thanks for sticking with us during this rocky period!​

2021 has been a very rocky ride for almost all businesses and the first few months we were all in various Tiers of lockdown. As we eased out of lockdown and back to some kind of normality businesses could reopen, trades could trade again and things started looking up.

Behind the scenes at we have been making changes and upgrading certain aspects of the forum. We are now welcoming members from more and more different countries as goes worldwide from its UK base, which is brilliant!

Thank you to our Admin and moderating team!

plumbers-forums-subscription-scheme.png Admin​ is administered and moderated by Dan, Lou and Shaun. We would like to say a big thank you to @ShaunCorbs for another year of volunteering to sort out the riff raff here in his spare time and after he has done a full day of plumbing!

You may have noticed that the adverts have changed a lot this year. This is because we have changed how adverts are delivered on the forum and we are still tweaking it now. Like all businesses, the last 18 months have been difficult for us financially and we are looking to try and recoup some costs. The monthly costs of hosting, licences and other nitty gritty stuff never went away.

Advertisements are being subbed out to an American firm who can squeeze a few extra penny here and there out of the unregistered readers who come, get their advice without registering, and go and fix whatever it is they came for.

But logged-in members see less Google Ads (they’re not all Google anymore but let’s stick to saying that) and it is now using Artificial Intelligence to machine learn who visits which forum and thread and what their interests are and then finds ads suitable to those. But not only is that a factor, the device screen size, age of content, IP address (location) of the user and dozens of other factors are now built into the pay-per-click advertising schematics.

We are 2 months into a 9 month learning process. So it’s a little bit hit and miss right now. But bear with us please.

If you don’t want to see adverts you can use an ad blocker - or you can subscribe to the forum and adverts will be removed and you will get that warm feeling inside knowing that you are helping this fountain of knowledge continue to be online and provide the advice that it does. You can do this for £1.99 a month.

Or, just browse with the ads and never click any, you’ll be helping the forum out by viewing some. As some pay by impressions or view. So if they have calmed down for you an your device then scroll with it (see what I did there? Scroll with it/Roll with it?) haha.

Thanks to all for your patience. Note that Esteemed members should see a lot less ads. And you become esteemed by posting threads that gain likes. And by replying to threads with good answers which get likes. Being the first or second person posting advice often gets you multiple likes per that one post. So that’s a way I’ve found that can bump up your like ratio.

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