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Ideal Icos HE12 Water Dripping FL / LF Error Code - Blocked Condensate Pipe/Sump?

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Hi all!

I have (not for the first time) a problem with my Ideal Icos HE12 boiler!

A month or so ago I had the "FL" error code, which I think means "Flame Failure". I had Gas Safe engineer out and said that the condensate/water for some reason wasn't draining away properly. He rang Ideal and said this was a design fault with this boiler!? Anyway, he drained the condensate pipe, and removed/cleaned the sump. Boiler fixed.

However, now a month later, the "FL" code is back, and water is dripping slowly from the boiler. I think this might be the same issue, and now the sump is full and overflowing?

Does anyone know if there is a long term fix for this? Or the underlying cause?

Your thoughts/expertise would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,

There are multiple reason for this George and there could be blockages or restrictions in the pipe work or boiler sump and trap.

Certainly can be fixed but I'd ring a different bloke, he should have seen what was causing the issue when he cleared it. It might be at the point where the white pipe goes into the waste or if there is a low point.
Hi George, I would call back the original engineer. A second engineer will definitely charge you the original engineer may not.
As above get another engineer it is fairly simple to sort this out but you have to go into the boiler itself so it's not something you can touch. I would also recommend turning the boiler off as if it is a blocked condense this can eventually restrict the flue gases from going out the flue causing high CO which is usually when it starts flashing LF.

Post where your from and someone on here might be able to help you.
Yep agree with the lads, the problem with the condensate pipe will probably lie with the original installer. The engineer who attended the original fault probably thought he had sorted it. It just wants the pipe altering or reconfiguring.
Hi all,

Thanks for such speedy and detailed replies!

Having watched the engineer drain the condensate pipe by undoing the bit of pipe after the S-Trap previously, I have now done the same, and about 1 litre of water drained away. Boiler now working perfectly again.

Ideal have sent me the manual for the HE12 boiler, and it seems there needs to be an "air trap" between the condensate pipe, and the u-bend under the sink? I don't think I have one of these! Could it be this that is causing my issues and stopping the condensate draining away?

Kind regards,

George , can you post a pic where the condensate pipe enters the kitchen sink waste. I have had a few of these where the sink waste has backed up and blocked the condensate pipe.


Picture of condensate pipe in, and 2 S-Bends, one from sink above, and one from washing machine waste pipe, should be available from link below:

Wondering whether lack of an air break (due to 2 S-Bends) may be causing water not to flow down condensate pipe properly?

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Picture of condensate pipe in, and 2 S-Bends, one from sink above, and one from washing machine waste pipe, should be available from link below:

Wondering whether lack of an air break (due to 2 S-Bends) may be causing water not to flow down condensate pipe properly?

George the cond pipe should be ok where it enters the waste pipe, what it would do is ( if you can get it out for the plug socket) gently pull the cond pipe out of the tee, there will be a rubber bung in there . If poss look up the cond pipe and see if anything is up there, the stuff we all tip down the kitchen sink could find its self up there, also check the pipe finishes in the bung and doesn't protrude into the tee. If it disconnects easily at the boiler end ( don't go in the boiler ) try attach a hose pipe or anything similar and blow through the pipe to see if there is a blockage in the pipe, good luck
Thanks for your reply! The condensate pipe looks like it's "glued" into the other pipe, all the joins seem to have orange stuff inside them? Will these just require a bit of force?
George , yes the pipes are probably solvent welded together, you will never separate them, if poss where the pipe goes into the rubber bush in the tee is where you may be able to disconnect.
I'd call someone in mate.

The condense pipework is part of the flue system and because of the design of the condense trap in your boiler, if something went wrong with the boiler it can send flue gases down the condense pipework.

If you mess with the section of condense under the sink, you could have flue gases enter your property if the worst happens.
This thread has been making me easy for some time.

Now that someone (and I cannot believe it was VT!) has had the same thoughts as me I'm closing this thread with the advice to get someone qualified in.
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