
  1. J

    How likely is this to burst?

    Hi all, I recently had some intrusive works carried out in my flat to find the potential source of a drainage smell. When the contractor cut the inspection hole he managed to cut through the insulating foam and nick one of my central heating flexible pex pipes. Looking at the pictures, do you...
  2. H

    Tankless Water heater: Expansion tank burst

    Hi. It's cold as heck in Austin. Temps dropped to single digits last night in Austin. Last night loss power @ 2AM. This morning around 11:30am, heard a loud explosion coming from outside area where the tankless water heater system is installed. Noticed that the expansion tank exploded. You can...
  3. D

    Checking advice given re burst galvanised pipe

    A galvanised pipe on our property burst and water was seeping up to ground level. We dug and found where it burst [it's in the garden but the pipe eventually shoots off under the deck and house], called in a plumber who said he couldn't fix it that day due to other work but temporarily stopped...
  4. D

    Burst pipe under screed mystery

    Hi All I wonder if you could help me with a small conundrum. I was recently called to the scene of a water leak in a bathroom installation that we carried out a few years ago. I will try to include as many as the details as I can. The homeowner had walked in to the bathroom and found water had...
  5. C

    Burst pipe in my flat

    I have currently had a burst pipe in my flat, I was going away for a long time and I was trying to turn off my main water supply for the flat. I have a unvented cylinder system. First, I turned off the switch for the cylinder, then I turn the handle of the three shutoff valves (one is above the...
  6. M

    Drain valve head has come off?

    I've been off supply for water for a couple of days due to very bad weather. It's starting to thaw out now but ice forced out one of the valve heads. Is this a drain valve in the picture? Is it OK just to push it back in or would I need a plumber? There's also a ring on the floor which fits it...
  7. R

    Flexi Filling Loop Burst

    Hi All, Today was sat at home and heard a pop from the kitchen, went in there and had water gushing everywhere from a burst on the flexible hose thing that connects the water supply to the boiler via the filling loop. Managed to turn off the water at the mains after a couple of minutes as...
  8. Martin Dunne

    Burst plastic piping.

    Hi all, I have a recurring problem with my central heating system, the pipework from my boiler to the hot water tank keeps on bursting, it has occurred 3 times now. The pipe is 28mm Hep2o and it is physically splitting the pipe, not blowing off at the fittings. The house is 9 years old and...
  9. W

    power of a burst main.

    Still causing traffic chaos, down the road from me.. Burst Derby water main 'sounded like a bomb' - BBC News
  10. L

    what a fun day..

    went to service a heatslave comi today, been a few times now, it is on the first floor in an airing cupboard!!!!! But we have cured the oily smell, faulty pump, various issues in the past so thought I would be in n out today..... How wrong I was, ran it up to see it worked which it did but...
  11. U

    burst pipe help

    hi wondering if someone can help with a burst pipe issue, We have a shared 63mm main without our own toby and suspect the burst is somewhere where we tee off into the house as we can hear it loudest at the stopcock. Problem is that the previous owner has built the conservatory over it. I...
  12. T

    Rhino combi Boiler burst water jacket

    Brand new to the forum but liked what I saw . water pouring out of the boiler last nigh. The boiler has only been installed for seven years : plumber ( friendly and efficient) has informed us that the water jacket has burst. In fairness that will not be able to be confirmed until the boiler...
  13. J

    Water meter burst geyser

    I just want to get some first hand advice, we were asked to install water meters in a housing complex with 138 homes in order to let each family pay for their own water usage. Now each home had it's own pressure control valve installed about 3 inches above ground level, so in order to save...
  14. kris

    Whos got a head like a burst couch

    Mornin guys i came into the arms for a swift one since i had a real quite one yesterday but WHO has woke up this morning vowing to never drink again or who cant remember what they did yesterday. (oh dear) . or anyone have a head like a burst sofa?? Or was there anyone like boring old me that...
  15. Neil T

    burst lead supply pipe

    i've got a leak on the lead supply pipe as it comes into the house and was wondering where the cheapest place to buy some 28mm MDPE pipe would be from to replace it (if thats the best thing for the job) I'm in Manchester area
  16. B

    Burst incoming main

    Quick question for you lads that have had any similar experiences. Working on a shop this morning and have had to shut main off in street due to a leaking stopcock and it has blown outside. There is a small fountain of gushing water outside the shop now! Do water board charge to repair this as...
  17. T

    low pressure hot water in most of street

    Hi, more help required please, low hot water pressure from customer, went round, got it sorted, two days later same problem, its just trickling out, whilst I was there three of the neighbours came to tell me that they had lost all hot water pressure too, had three more calls this moring from the...
  18. C

    freezed pipes burst

    anybody had any burst yet? very quiet here!
  19. S

    Can I claim againest a compression fitting that burst?

    Hi. I had a brand new full bore lever valve burst on me over night causing damage to the flooring, skirtings etc. So does anyone know if I can make a claim againest the fitting manufactures themselves? The actual nut on the compression split in half causing the valve to jump off the pipe leaving...
  20. G

    Burst Pipe Season!

    The Met office are forecasting a long and very cold winter over December and January. Stock up on your kit now while demand is normal. Compression fittings, usually make a good and quick repair. Don't forget those imperial compression rings too and lots of foam insulation in various sizes.
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