
  1. J

    Resitting CCN1 test

    I am looking to resit my ccn1, I am time served and passed the test in 2011 but had a carear change and went to work offshore for the last 9 years, looking to get back to gas side of things, just wanting to know has alot changed in the test, What is the best resource for studying/revising. I...
  2. M

    Getting back in to it

    Hi everyone. New to the forum, bit about myself left school straight to college 4 years and completed NVQ level 2&3 and was qualified gas fitter. Due to struggling to find work I left plumbing and heating as I just needed to find a job. With what happening around the world. It looks like I’m...
  3. J

    Help with CCN1 qualification

    Hi everyone, I'm taking my CCN1 tomorrow and would like some advice on things that I possibly could slip up on. I've studied as best I could but worry that something could come up that I've overlooked. Any things to look out for?
  4. king of pipes

    CCN1 Renewal theory done .

    The 5 years is up on my gas safe qualifications in October so thought I would get it done practical today definitely gets more difficult with age sitting in a classroom but hey ho got to be done practical today ,applainces next week . Cheers kop
  5. Inverness

    Passed My ccn1 and my appliances today!

    Now the proper learning begins.
  6. Inverness

    Passed my ccn1 today!

    now the proper learning begins!
  7. D

    CCN1 Gas courses

    I did my last ACS nonsense at NESCOT between 4 & 5yrs ago and found the fellas tutoring the courses most agreeable and their attitude towards us and the industry and industry regulators "correct". I hear now, however, that those guys no longer ply their trade at NESCOT, but elsewhere, possibly...
  8. B

    CCN1 in 3 weeks HELP!!!

    Hi, I have been studying like a mad man for the last week for my Initial ACS exams in 3 weeks. Was wondering if anyone has done them recently that might be able to tell me what I should be focusing on any main sections that are bound to come up that usually catch people, also wondering how many...
  9. L

    CENWAT, CCN1, CPA1 5 year retest revision?

    Hey guys, Ive got my first 5 yearly re-test coming up and just wondered if anyone knew of any good revision notes, or what id need to scrub up on for these retests. I hear the viper book is good but its £100!? Also what is involved? I can imagine you'd have appliances you have to find...
  10. J

    ccn1? help please

    looking at doing my gas next in the next few weeks. ive been plumbing for 5-6 years and have always worked with gas safe boys but never done my acs, so im looking at a course near me its £950 for 8 days (4 days training) but its ccn1 only not cookers etc. i was just wondering what does the ccn1...
  11. M


    Today I passed my initial assessment for my CENWAT1 and passed CCN1 last week. Despite being a plumber for many years and being a qualified electrician I am really pleased that I have passed my gas assessment.
  12. P

    Expert help needed regarding ccn1 tolerances

    Hi I am aware we are allowed up to u16 35mm pipe on out qualifications im just being lazy here as I'm out and not got the time or brain power at the moment to work it out, been asked to install a 45kw boiler off a u16 gas meter with 50m gas pipe run ? I'm sure this is commercial scope ? Help...
  13. T

    Renewing ACS CCN1 and Appliances

    I'm thinking of renewing my ACS. They ran out a few years ago and I haven't done any gas work since. The last time I did them flue gas analysers were not compulsory so things have obviously changed. Are there any good books, manuals, tutorials I can purchase so that I can give myself a fighting...
  14. B

    Ccn1 notes as a PDF?

    Anyone know where I can download a pdf file of the ccn1 notes into my iphone? Would like to have the flues and ventilation section so I can read them when I've got a spare while just to keep myself right. Working away just now and I've not got my original notes with me
  15. D

    Passed my CCN1.

    Took my CCN1 this week and passed it. Such a relief. Just the appliances to do next week. So happy. Thanks for the support from some of the guys on here. Really helped out a lot.
  16. R

    Question regarding CCN1

    Hi guys, great forum here can see myself coming back very often. I have a question regarding getting on the 'Gas Safe' register. I'm currently a self employed plumber, I hold the NVQ Level 2 in Mechanical Engineering services (100/3284/8) and Basic Plumbing studies (100/3356/7). I am looking...
  17. R

    Question regarding CCN1

    Hi guys, great forum here can see myself coming back very often. I have a question regarding getting on the 'Gas Safe' register. I'm currently a self employed plumber, I hold the NVQ Level 2 in Mechanical Engineering services (100/3284/8) and Basic Plumbing studies (100/3356/7). I am looking to...
  18. D

    Ccn1 initial practical assessment help

    Hi all, I'm new to the forum so please be patient while I get my feelers going! I am doing my initial ccn1 on Thursday and am looking for any help/guidance on what it all entails? I have my portfolio all submitted and have come across the general scenarios on at least one occasion for what is...
  19. B

    Re CCN1 and appliances course

    Hi, i'm new to this forum but a long time retired gas installer. I am trying to find a place for my 21 year old Grandson to do the CCN1 core and domestic appliance Gas Safe assesments and exams. Preferably a fairly intensive course as he has done most of the work in college after finishing his...
  20. C

    Help ccn1

    I'm reading my bpec folder over and over is there any other way I could learn the info in the folder
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