hot water cylinder

  1. M

    Hot water Cylinder with no thermostat??

    I was working at a house today and the system was back boiler with copper cylinder. Now, for some reason the cylinder didnt have a hot water stat. He said it has always been like that. Did they used to install sysytems like this? I have never seen it before. The guy said that the water is not...
  2. stani

    horizontal hot water cylinder

    one for the veterans, I need to replace this due to corrosion has anyone got any ideas where from, its an indirect cylinder and the original manufacturers have long since gone.
  3. J

    Unvented Hot water Cylinder query

    Hoping someone can answer my query - new to this forum. Currently quoting for an unvented cylinder. No central heating in house at present - to be installed at a future date. Any problems with fitting an indirect cylinder with the central heating to be connected at a later date? would...
  4. P

    problems with a Direct Combination unit hot water cylinder

    Hello i wondered if anyone had any advice as I have never worked on a combination unit before The hot water bath tap will run at full flow for about a minute and then go down to a very reduced flow. If you turn the tap off and wait a minute and re run the bath the flow goes back to the maximum...
  5. D

    Small hot water cylinder

    Hi I have a bedist flat which currently has a small Heatwell hot water cylinder which services the kitchen sink and a shower. It is housed in an underneath corner kitchen cupbaord adjacent to the sink. There is a drip from the mains pressure valve and a heating engineer told me that he...
  6. M

    Horizontal Unvented Indirect Hot Water Cylinder that is at least 150 Litres in size

    Hello I'm Moley from Aberdeenshire . I've just moved house and this one has got solid fuel central heating / oil fired and we want to move the hot water tank up the loft . At the moment its in a cupboard in the living room which is not the best place for it. But the big problem we have is...
  7. D

    Electric hot water cylinder with mains pressure cold water feeder tank - noise!

    Hello Had a search but cannot find the exact answer. We have an electric hot water cylinder which has a feeder tank on top. The feeder tank is filled by the cold main water. The problem is when the cold tank refills the mains pressure makes quite a loud noise disturbing the bedroom underneath...
  8. J

    Hot water cylinder, bungalow loft??

    Hi I have just purchased a bungalow in an area with no gas, it has electric storage heaters. I would like to put a hot water cylinder in the loft (currently in the hall) with header tank above but am being given conflicting advice. The hot water will serve bathroom with mixer shower and bath...
  9. G

    Best use of unvented hot water cylinder - help!

    We've just moved into a property with an unvented hot water cylinder system (Santon PremierPlus 300 litres) plus gas combi boiler. We're unsure of how long the hot water cylinder needs to be on for each day - or even if this is the right system for us. There are just 2 of us, we shower for...
  10. M

    Hot water cylinder

    I hope some one can help. My pressurised cylinder keeps making a loud humming noise eveery time the hot water is heating up. If I turn the thermostat down on the cylinder untill in clicks the noise stops but then the water is luke warm. I have tried draining the system and refilling it but this...
  11. B

    Standards in Hot water cylinder

    Could anyone tell me if the distance between the coil in/out apertures are standard across all domestic tanks please.
  12. P

    Temperature Indicator on hot water cylinder

    I have a large cylinder with 3 divisions (for Immersion heater; Gas heating; and Solar heating) The cylinder is insulated with cast-on foam. I can't tell what temperature it is at, so I want a stick-on temperature Indicator. Where can I get one please? petercaldicot
  13. S

    Unvented Hot Water Cylinder - District Heating

    I'd be really grateful if anyone could clear this up for me... I'd like to install an ensuite in my flat. I currently have a gravity system with district heating and hot water. I cannot put in a pump as the cold water tank is 25 gallons and can't be increased. No room for it. The heating is a...
  14. V

    Hot water cylinder in loft making constant humming noise

    Hello I have a hot water cylinder in the loft of my house, and a boiler in the kitchen. The cylinder makes a constant low humming noise, 24 hours day and night. (The central heating is currently off for the summer so it is only used for hot water). It is slightly annoying as it can be heard in...
  15. D

    Moving hot water cylinder into the loft.

    Hello there i am looking to do the above so that i can install a new shower in its place. We have about 2ft above where the top of the hwc would be to move the tank above in the loft space. I have been told that this may cause problems and reduce the pressure i have. I thought about installing...
  16. S

    New hot water cylinder time.

    Hi all, Well it looks like ive got to change my unvented indirect 150L Tribune Premier hot water cylinder but to which one? I dont think its for sell any more? It had all pipe connects on the top, so it looks like ive got some pumbing work to do. Any ideas? Cheers Simon.
  17. B

    tribune 11 range direct hot water cylinder 150 ltr cu150

    I have the the above cylinder which was installed in approx 1994. I have noticed it has begun leaking and will have to get the cylinder replaced. I was quoted £600 for a replacement, which i presume is a tribune but obviously not that particular model. i feel this is too expensive as i can get...