
  1. S

    Happy thoughts only please

    :rockon2: Trying to get in touch with my hippy side a little now: Riots, tax, dodgy customers, work, theft from vans, Reading through this forum is a struggle because of what we're all dealing with at the moment. :crowngrin: So to shed some happiness into our dreary lives lets all think of 3...
  2. M

    Baxi Duo-tec Combi 33 thoughts?

    Hi all Having read a little online including comments on this forum I had decided on a Valliant. Essentially we have just bought a fairly large period house (ie with poor insulation!) with the one bathroom. Initially I had gravitated to a Worcester but having read a little thought that the...
  3. N

    What are your thoughts on this?

    Morning all, Just after a bit of advice. I am a subbie working on one of those really well built new build sites (not, the workmanship is shocking). I am a good plumber and don't take the mickey, I just crack on. I don't love the job nor hate it, it pays the bills if you know what I mean...
  4. D

    Pegler Brassware vs Others? - Any thoughts on quality parts?

    Hiya, My Dad used to say that Pegler was one of the best quality makes of brassware. When I first started plumbing a few years ago I bought what my local shop had. After coming across a few isolating valves that leaked once touched, I thought there must be a better quality type around that...
  5. A

    any thoughts?

    Hi guys - it's an RDB burner which fires up for 3-4 mins then shuts down. But the lock out lamp is not illuminated. I found ice in the base of the filter bowl but have oil flowing thro to the pump.I guess I need to check the oil pressure? but if this is too low would the burner run for so long...
  6. GQuigley67

    any thoughts on this article about condensing boilers ?

    Salamander Condensafe + neutralises acidic waste from condensing boilers news on would like to know peope's thoughts on this, do you think its just a lie for people to buy their product ?:P
  7. C

    Thoughts on this one

    Found at a void check today. In case you can't see it, it is an anaconda coming off the galvanised service. The engineer wasn't pleased with the service side. Do you think it's likely the Grid would re-work the service?
  8. J

    Thoughts on the best washing machines in range

    I am working on a washing machine for sale website I am trying to get peoples opinions on the what they consider to be the best washing machines in different price ranges. Any advice will be welcome. As the people that have to deal with the effects of washing machines on a regular basis I...
  9. M

    thoughts please no hot water in kitchen

    right no hot in kitchen on a job ive been to today for 3 yrs. other plumbers have been there all said its a big job and not willing to take it on prob due to new kitchen and haveing to take it out and put it back in again. when opening the tap there is pressure but then nothing, there will...
  10. justlead1

    Renewable, your thoughts

    Hi. Chatting with various trades installing renewables, has suggested individuals are loosing work on both domestic and commercial properties. As skills and knowledge are limited to their specific trade. Clients want to sign one contract to cover all the proposed renewables. If this is the...
  11. B

    Central Heating thoughts

    Hi! Over the years, if asked to consider central heating I have often found some little things handy to consider, such as. A pump will not draw up water further than it can pump it up. In point 1 bar draw up is the max and that is I suppose under ideal conditions. Why this point? Well if...
  12. W

    your thoughts on this issue....

    fitted bathroom for a local tiler 18 months ago, was an awful job loads of nightmarish problems but job got done (eventually). had a call from him yesterday saying the customer rang him complaining that cieling has fell through in kitchen below bathroom, they've had Dynorod out to investigate...
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