
  1. Best

    Martin McGuinness dead

    I won't celebrate the illness and death of Martin, nor would I wish it on anyone. Sympathy to his family, but they can be thankful at least they got to prepare for his death and no doubt got to say goodbye, unlike most of the relatives of IRA victims. Also he reached 66 years, unlike most...
  2. ShaunCorbs

    Any one had shingles

    There fun that's all im going to say had to take the next week off
  3. S

    lets all design a boiler, top notch components.

    Evening all, I'm currently in the alps snowboarding. I've just had my meal and browsing some recent posts and got me wondering about what is the best boiler on the market, we all have our preferences. After ideals shamble of shat ' isar' I vowed never to touch an ideal again, but I was coaxed in...
  4. G

    Online/Electronic Gas Safety Cert App/Software

    Hi guys Anyone care to share an easy to use app or software for doing GSC's and emailing direct to client? Just looking at buying a tablet and app or software for this. Many thanks
  5. N


    Just reading the latest gas safe rag re trustmark and the 2 crappy examples of how they helped resolve. I took advantage of the free listing with them but have just had notification of a £140 quid bill if i want to continue. I think I'll be removing the logo from my website quickish lol ...
  6. H

    New central heating programmer required, but please one that lasts 20 years if possib

    New central heating programmer required, but please one that lasts 20 years if possible. Previous one was a BG DRAYTON SM2 29206SX DUAL-CHANNEL MECHANICAL PROGRAMMER The current one is a Simens RWB2E The drayton one calls for hot water all the time so that's no good. The Simens one will...
  7. 3

    Wolf Boiler CGB-K-20

    Hi, First time poster, so please be gentle!. I have been having problems with my Wolf Boiler for the last 4 years (usually over winter) but cannot seem to get anyone out who knows how to fix the problems (I've had 4 different local plumbers who have probably had nye on 100 years experience...
  8. F

    single pipe system without bypass between rads

    Some old Builder giving it large today about sytems without a bypass between each rad and you cant take that rad off because it will stop the whole system and bla bla bla as its his job i gave him my 2 cents and he didnt want to know so shut my trap and left him to it i've never seen such a...
  9. K

    Motorised Valves which ones !!!!!

    Hi Im Ian and new to this forum, ive been in the trade for 33 years and worked for myself for 22, I maintain and service mainly, I fit quite a lot of motorised valves and religiously always fitted Honeywell, then I started getting issues with them and the price was shooting up, I tried Tower...
  10. G

    Total novice in plumbing

    Hi guys, I'm at a point in my life that I need to learn a trade and make a career out of it. I've wasted the past 3 years of my life working but to no avail. I'm 23 and will be joining my local college for a lvl 3 in plumbing. I learn quick and will try and soak up as much knowledge as I can...
  11. 1

    Re activating a small H/W stored system after 7 years dormant.

    A small H/W system with Imm Cylinder and two outlets to basin and sink - has been storing dormant water for seven years in a void flat. The idea is to now activate the H/W system in the Imm Heater cylinder and at the two outlets. (the shower is an elec unit). Suggestions for a safe...
  12. J

    Stiff shower valve - how to proceed?

    Hi all, My customer has a Mira Gem 88 mixer shower. It's 12 years old, and has recently become tight to turn (most likely scaled up). It runs from a combi boiler, and has isolation valves on the pipework. How best to proceed? (I'm new to shower repairs). I suppose my options are: 1-Take it...
  13. P

    How to replace outlet seal on Geberit concealed cistern ?

    Hi, I have two Geberit concealed cisterns and both are leaking when flushed. I have bought replacement seals for both ends of the outlet pipe, but how do I change the one on the cistern end ? Could anyone enlighten me please ? When I replaced the flush seal (the which blisters) I seem to...
  14. D

    Combi boiler not running long enough.

    Tried everything g I can. Rad balancing (new 2 years ago). Baxi 105 is not running continuously long enough to bring rads up to temp. House still cold after several hours of heating being on. Boiler switches on max temp, quickly reaches 90 degs according to indicator lights, but switches off...
  15. J

    Lots of questions about potential 'Bodge job' installations and rectifying them!

    Hey guys! Recently we have had a bunch of ceilings re-plastered in our house by the son of a good friend of my dads, he has worked for his Dad for multiple years renovating houses so it was mentioned to us that he could replace multiple radiators that we wanted doing. Since returning from...
  16. P

    What better way to spend new years eve

    Than crouched over a blocked drain on the driveway standing in sewage soaked moss in your best trainers stabbing a jobbie infested drain with a 2ft length of upvc trim. Stupid carers throwing wipes and sht straight down the outside drain. All i can see in my head are those brown floaters...
  17. A

    New Gledhill Hot Water Cylinder Tappings Not in Line

    Hi, I'm a diy plumber who is replacing and relocating the vented indirect HWC. I've ordered this copper unit from Gledhill but when coming to install it have noticed that the coil inlet / outlet ports are not in line. The top port is about 10mm back towards the cylinder and points slightly up...
  18. M

    6 years, and 28 months???

    Couple who left newborn with 'catastrophic injuries' to go to Nando's have been jailed | Metro News What a disgrace of a sentence. That poor baby... :(
  19. Aquaplumber108

    Gas safe register annual cost

    Hello there, I've heard some rumors that to work as gas safe register you have to pay something like 5000 pounds a year or so just for the license...Is it true or not?
  20. J

    Gas courses

    Hi, I'm a pipefitter/welder wanting to get into the domestic/commercial gas sector. Wanting to know if anyone can recommend any good training centres. many thanks jbbs