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Banging Pipes, blowing off joints HELP!

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Angela Hesketh

So house 4 years old. In that time had 7 pipes burst. Builder fixed first one, blaming cylinder not being serviced. Over the 3 years another 2 went. Builder not interested as out of 2 year cover. Nov last year another went. Plumber came and fixed, said looks like shoddy installation. No sooner had he put the pressure back up, another blew, same again and another. Instructed 2nd plumber via insurance, he said same, terrible pipe installation, not even tightened properly, he left the pressure low so we could have some heating on suggesting we would need a track and trace test?. Now in a fight with Builder (getting nowhere!). NHBC doesn't cover pipes/heating as not structural. House insurance covers damage but not investigative work. Builders Ombudsmen still not come back to us.

We are sitting here with holes in four parts of the ceiling, damage to carpets, walls etc and really don't know what to do now!

And the worst thing is the pipes and making the most horrendous banging, at different times. Really loud and angry sounding. I'm so worried the whole system will blow up or something.

PLEASE ANYONE with ANY advice or seen a similar situation?

Thanks in advance
Need to add pressure as the banging is probably pressure related eg overheating

Any pictures of said pipework?
1. Is it pipes bursting (very unusual) or pipes separating where joined?
2. Are the pipes plastic or copper?
3. If plastic and separating at joins, it may well be that no pipe inserts were fitted. If this is the case, you might well still have a case against the installer or builder for failure to follow manufacturer's instructions and failure to apply normal levels of competence / workmanship. After 4 years probably a difficult battle, and would require, in my opinion, an expert report covering every joint in the system, or at least the vast majority.

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