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Boiler OK - No upstairs Heating

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My boiler is fine and I am getting heating downstairs and water on demand up and down. On the upper thermostat when i manually ask it to come on - the boiler is not getting the demand. The electric motorised valve is making a racket so I am thinking it might be to do with that. When the thermostat asks for heat the valve is nosiy and when it comes off noise disappeared. I established how to make sure the valve was open by hooking the switch to open but still nothing.

I have my guy coming out but he is so busy and I have heating and water I asked him to prioritise those with none. Anything I can do or check in the meantime? As said when I ask for heat downstairs all is ok
From the description it seems as though the demand signal from your zone valve is not being sent (or getting through). This could be faulty wiring, e.g. a loose connection, but is more likely to be an issue with the valve. There is a microswitch that is closed once the valve is fully opened by the motor. Depending on the condition of the valve, this may be fixed by replacing just the head or the whole valve.

Likely to be a fairly quick and straightforward job for your engineer.

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