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does the fear of heights vertigo hinder you being a plumber?

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had a bad experience a while back, so since then not to keen on hieghts, althought i have done a few jobs maintainance wise in factory, on roof and cabling and the lighting on ceilings in factory using ladders and scaffolding etc, do you think this will hinder me becoming a plumber.:(
I've spent a fair bit of time on ladders fixing/repairing/replacing soil and vent pipes over the last 4 years and on a few occasions fitting covers to exctractor fans on bathroom refurbs (either in wall or soffit) so I would say it could be a limiting factor, not a show stopper.
I'm scared of heights and I survive. Mines a proper phobia but I've overcome it slowly over the years. I've just done a course on working at heights which has given me the confidence (and the equipment) to happily do roof work on two storey buildings.

I used to be scared of heights and have overcome heights up to the first floor. I wouldn't be happy fixing guttering on a two storey house though, just bungalows/stables, etc.

Nothing to be ashamed of though. Although it's different, all the builders I know are too scared to do plumbing (unless under instruction from a plumber!)

I've done my Part P electrics but am still too scared to put in a socket or new wiring for an electrical shower.

If I don't like a job (heights, electrical or whatever) I won't take it on unless I know of someone who can do the stuff I'm frightened of. For example, if it's a bathroom (upstairs) and the soil pipe has to be replumbed to exit a different area of the wall, I'll ask my builder mates to come and do that aspect for me. Ironically, it's probably cheaper for the customer too!

So no, it won't hinder you becoming a plumber but if you want to be a retained fireman then that's a different matter!!

Also, and I'm sure you're aware of it, your and your customer's health and safety must be a priority. If this means renting scaffolding because you feel unsafe working from a ladder, don't skimp. You only get one life. 50% of all injuries in construction are from people falling off ladders. Your life is more important than trying to save the customer a few pounds from not hiring a proper work base.

If it's solar heating what's wrong with hiring a couple of builders to put the panels on the roof while you do all the connections? If the builder charges £160 a day, you can always tack on another £20 for the customer as your fee for finding a reputable builder.

Also there are not many jobs in the plumbing world requiring ladders. Most of the time (when starting out) you're going to be squirming around the floor with a cricked neck trying to undo and tighten tap nuts under the bath and kitchen sink.
totally agree here, terrified of working on roofs even took up indoor climbing to try overcome fear but still no luck on roofs, climbings fun though. Does mean vertical flues pose a problem.
hate heights allways need one hand gripped to something solid ok indoors but up a ladder is hard going and a roof wld be a def no no
thanks "dontknowitall" that makes me feel a lot better and don't feel so restricted
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Its difficult being a Plumber and fearing heights. But if you have an understanding boss it may be okay. Otherwise work for yourself and choose your jobs.

I must admit I was not afraid of heights as a lad but became so later on. I also developed Meneires disease which badly affects your balance and makes it dangerous to go up heights. And anyway probaly no insurance company would cover you going up heights, if you knew you had a physical balance problem.

Get a check up, your fear may be a bit more than just a phobia although they are bad enough.
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