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Fed up with the junk on here

Discuss Fed up with the junk on here in the Plumbers Talk Forums area at

This has to be the most cluttered forum or website I have ever visited, why does the
" asks for your consent to use your personal data to:"

have to pop up every time you click on something, surely once at sign in is enough.
It is so hard to navigate around this site.
My guess is that you're refusing all cookies. If the site doesn't have the basic cookies then every refresh or new page means the site doesn't know who you are.
My usual preference is to allow the basic cookies and refuse the advertising cookies.
I must say though, I visited the electricians forum a couple of days ago because I had a notification, got the cookie permissions pop up and after about 5 minutes of going through the cookie settings I was only about 5% of the way through the list of advertising companies who would get my data. I just closed the page, whatever the notification is, it's not worth an hour of setting cookie permissions.
I've never seen a list of organisations who the site owners are selling my data to anywhere near as long as that one.
And this is where spam comes from. You 'must' download and use either ccleaner or Privazer to clean your pc after
every visit to this site. It's just a money making scam and no one reads these adverts.
Tbh it is one of the reasons I don`t visit very often any more. However I don`t click on the Enable push notifications so don`t enter that cycle.
Whilst we are at it, what is with the New posts, What`s new and the other button all about?
We're not selling data.

These companies already have your data if you've allowed them to have it elsewhere.

We simply agree to remarketing that information.

And it's law that we do it for the EU, and California USA.

All websites need to do this now.

However it's not meant to reload on every page load. I'm finding that happening and assumed it was just me but it appears to do it when it's not managing to set the cookie preferences and save it properly. So it's reloading the option again.

I'll look into that.

But literally nothing has changed from our end. Nobody gets access to our members, not even sponsors are allowed to ask for a single email address or any information beyond the QTY of members we have etc.

The Google ads have been increased somewhat though. That's due to COVID wiping out around 80% of all advertising online. It's starting to pick up again now so we can start to relax the ads a bit as funds pick up. We get paid a month or two after the ads have been displayed so it will take a couple of months to filter through to actual cash.
I've just turned the consent thing off but you might need to erase your cookies via your web browser - delete the ones from our forum and on the next page load it shouldn't pop up.
There we go try that now. It's turned off fully on all forums.

I need to look into what's going on with it though as it's not compliant without it so we can lose revenue via it being clawed back next month.

Will see what's going on then get back to you.

But don't think we sell a sausage about our members. :)
I've all by stopped using the site due to ads.
From the top of the page It looks like theres subscription I can pay to get rid of them.
Does this not incentives more intrusive ads?
I don't want to moan but paying to use a site where the content is written by the users doesn't sit right.
I will say that I've just created a new account as a test and I did not see the thing that used to come up to say data is shared with other organisations - which is good , there was a massive list of organisations, some of them with a proven track record of misusing personal data.
Also the "enable push notifications" did not come up - again this is good. The dialogue box used to come up - "enable psh notifications yes or no" and if you clicked "no" then you just got a bigger and more intrusive dialogue box saying "we really think you should enable push notifications" - which showed that the original question only had one acceptable answer.
Fwiw I have a rule on my email account that all emails containing plumbersforums goes straight in spam so I can choose when I want to participate - I sometimes lose out on interesting threads but i can more easily determine when I participate.
Btw this is the only social media which I use.
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