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Hi all. New learner, best place to start?

Discuss Hi all. New learner, best place to start? in the The Welcome Wagon :) area at

Another newbie in the forums.

I’m a 33 year old and after having worked in the Graphic/Web Design industry for around 8 years, I worked a few positions, did a bit of freelance and was continually working late hours and evenings unpaid as well as every weekend. I ended up getting burnout and dropped out of the industry.

I’ve been working retail for the past year trying to come up with a plan and after some research (and the occasional small job around the house) have finally decided to pull the trigger on a career in plumbing.

Need a bit of direction in terms of a career path, I‘ve found a local C&G level 2 diploma that’s an evening course. But I’ve heard even doing this with a top-up doesn’t guarantee work and that’s why I’ve joined the forum, to learn from those in the know how they did it their way! And find out the best way to go about getting the ideal apprenticeship.

Ultimately I would really love to be my own boss and in charge of my own workload but I know that will come with time. I’m thinking 10 years. I’m serious about going after this, and want a good career and excited to start my path to being a Journeyman.

Any hints and tips for anyone starting that journey?
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