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Idea for those who have cash flow problem

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I had a terrible time finding a plumber and I am trying to think of a way to help him
as I have one whom I trust implicitly

thought that I could put a Medium sum of money in his account specifically to cover labour on future jobs
As it’s only labour that is covered then there is no risk to rising prices and he is in control of when he could fit in the jobs.
I know of some risks to this but it might help his cash flow and I might retain an honest and recommended plumber.

your views on this would be appreciated.
A very nice thought ziggie we find ourselves in a very testing times at the minute and we a have to help each other, if as you say you can help him financially then pay him after each day's work, I wouldn't recommend a lump sum but it's really your choice and a very nice gesture . Kop
Nice idea however wouldn't work unless you had major works going on and what would happen if say the guy died from the virus.

I would like to support my small local pub but there is every chance it may not reopen.
Think it will be the death knell for a lot of pubs ,especially country ones. Nice sentiment from Ziggie but the idea of daily payment sounds an ideal solution.
Daily payment is a great idea for the duration esp. it will keep things moving along and money in tradesmens pockets esp. as there is little to waste it pubs, takeaways, restaurants, bookies
Not going to the pub for a few weeks will buy me a replacement greenhouse. Most of my fellas are retired and only work off and on but IF anybody gets short then a sub will be fine. Many fellas don’t have savings usually divorce high rents and being silly. Chking
Big work set up a weekly payment etc small works just pay the bill via bacs

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