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illegal work

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Gas Engineer
Long story short my bird has been on Facebook today nosing around as they do and she found two lads which appears to be installing boilers without any GSR.Full on shouting down anyone that reckons you need a gas safe engineer , they say fit it yourself and get someone to sign off.

Now one lad has back tracked and claims to be GSR but however i can't find no info on him after a lil interest nose.

Been here with gas safe before and they done nothing without enough info so how you go about this as me bird wants to grass them up so to speak .
If they have said on there that they are doing installs with out gsr then take a screen shot and email it over to gas safe.

Don't expect it to come to anything though, they will probably just get a letter but it may make them think twice about it.
Gas safe won't give two shiney turds about it. That's the sad truth. Have you got a photo of the guy with a test nipple in one hand and a lit match in the other? No? Sorry, computer says no..
Said that to my buRd that it's pointless read through the thread on her page and clearly upto no good . Like my gf said if they don't show interest then why are you paying to be on it.
Said that to my buRd that it's pointless read through the thread on her page and clearly upto no good . Like my gf said if they don't show interest then why are you paying to be on it.

The same reason we all go to work and earn the food on our tables rather than sit on our arses watching Jeremy Kyle and smoking 40 Richmond a day. Morals, decency and a tad of stupidity.
Same over in Ireland, very few get prosecuted. I think ye have to have an install, a witness, a set of hens teeth, rocking horse shxxt and other things like that to get a case to stick.
There a while ago an illegal installer in Ireland was done, went to court and was fined €500.
What a joke
If Gas Safe / HSE tried really hard to alleviate the illegal installers & achieved a good degree of success there would little need for many of their employees.
The same reason we all go to work and earn the food on our tables rather than sit on our arses watching Jeremy Kyle and smoking 40 Richmond a day. Morals, decency and a tad of stupidity.

Quote of the year.

There is no need for any more postings until 2016. Goodnight.
If Gas Safe / HSE tried really hard to alleviate the illegal installers & achieved a good degree of success there would little need for many of their employees.

Very true

Last i phoned them they literally couldn't be bothered .And i read the thread yesterday and two guys flaunting openly that GSR is a joke .
Think her indoors is going to phone anyway as like she says why should they cream so much out of the legal ones and badger us with endless updates and yet thousands more fit illegally with literally no extra hassle.
Who pulled up something in another thread last week a paragraph from the gas regs where it states it is illegal for a gsr to sign off an instal knowing it had been done by a non GSR. Just add that quote to the thread and end it there
I understand what your'e saying Croppie but when I reported illegal & dangerous work to Gas Safe I was asked to provide a written report on the defects as I saw them & allow at least half a day (unpaid) to go through it all on site with the inspector. They had all the details of the installer as he had been struck off previously so why needed to be further involved I don't know.
I told Gas Safe I wouldn't be wasting half a day on their dirty work so it all went no further. My conclusion was that they aren't really interested in tackling the problem.
What if you had to supply ID for every boiler bought and the boiler serial number was twinned with your ID and a record kept. Well that would stop illegal boiler fits. I think 1/3 of boilers bought are never given a cert. therefore done illegal.
I know that wouldn't tackle repairs and other work but it's a start.

Another way would b for the Gov to do a home improvement grant where say a 200 grant be given once receipt and installation cert given. That'd knock stuffing out of illegal cash boys. Wouldn't cost much as more work would b done through d books resulting in more tax collected
This has come up several times. Any new appliance cannot be commissioned without a chip and pin type gas safe card being slotted into it. That means that anyone can buy and sell the product freely but it physically can only be installed by a gsr. One of Rays ideas I think
Unfortunately it's the manufacturers that would need to implement the technology and they wont
Unfortunately it's the manufacturers that would need to implement the technology and they wont

Actually, I think they would, so long as it was mandatory on all manufacturers. If the cost is imposed on their competitors as well, then no-one is at a disadvantage.

One of their largest costs is warranty call outs to boilers that have been fitted by muppets, or fannied with by the customer. The chip and pin card system would let them off the hook. No card? No warranty.
Actually, I think they would, so long as it was mandatory on all manufacturers. If the cost is imposed on their competitors as well, then no-one is at a disadvantage.

One of their largest costs is warranty call outs to boilers that have been fitted by muppets, or fannied with by the customer. The chip and pin card system would let them off the hook. No card? No warranty.

Couldn't you throw your oh so knowledgeable weight around Ray. :wink: there just doesn't seem to be anybody championing our cause. It would seem that the only people likely to not think this is a good idea is Gas Safe
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Couldn't you throw your oh so knowledgeable weight around Ray. :wink: there just doesn't seem to be anybody championing our cause. It would seem that the only people likely to not think this is a good idea is Gas Safe
I don't think I have much weight to throw around Matt. We might just scrape to a measely 2% of the UK market this year, hardly enough to count as a mover and shaker.
It happens everywhere here. I got a mate who's a plumber too but not gas safe. Working for a large firm. Fits boilers all the time, gas and all. The company just signs it off for him. It's on site too. They don't care mate.
Where the systems all wrong though and gas safe come up with no practical answers. I think we'd all get behind a body who acted beneficially to the industry
The whole industry needs a shake up imho as it stands ,its a shambolic mess and reality gas safe register are just fleecing us for a monthly payment scheme.

All bark and no bite
Trouble is that if its fitted correctly and to standards what can they do? It's only when it's bodged and dangerous that they take action. A lot of blokes just don't bother renewing with gas safe and carry on regardless. There work is still to spec.
I agree with you though and would be angry too if I paid all that money to be gas safe.
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Bert large can you explain how it would work if Gas Safe worked harder to get rid of illegals that some of them would lose their job? They don't deal with illegals that's HSE's department,
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