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URGENT New Glowworm Sealed System Boiler with NO Pressure Gauge

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We had a Gloworm Energy 7 30r Boiler fitted in Jan 22 to replace a British Gas Boiler (which was a Glowworm Rebranded ) when the heat exchanger split after 10 years. The old boiler had a pressure gauge on the fascia but this new model is not fitted with one. After it was all fitted I queried this with the Engineer (Glow worm Approved) and he said If I wanted one he would have to drain down the whole system, fit a guage somewhere and then refill, bleed etc + all inhibitors etc at my cost. As we were stretched at the time - as we had not expected the old boiler to fail after only 10 years - I told him to forget it and we would discuss it when the boiler was serviced.
My question is can a Pressure Bar Gauge be fitted to the existing live pipework via one of those washing machine type adaptors with on/off valves which screw into the pipework forming a hole without draining down the system. The valve and the adaptor are as cheap as chips!!!
Secondly, as the instructions state that the owner should check and top up the system monthly to maintain the correct preesue which is unattainable without a pressure guage on the system. Was the installer at fault by not installing one with the new boiler.??
This problem has come about because I bled all of our radiators before I fired up our boiler for CH (4th Nov) and the two top rads (in our loft) would not bleed, so I put some pressure into the sytem to get the air out. Now the boiler will not work and a call to the Technical department thinks that it is not modulating. It is however working for producing hot water to the cylinder. I have a full parts/labour 10 year warrantee.
The warrantee guys are coming monday but after lots of research today I am concerned that I may have inadvetenly caused the problem and I might have to pay to correct the problem.
All advice gratefully received. Brian
It’s a digital pressure guage pg8 of the user manual


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You have a red expansion tank correct isn’t one on there ?
I’m guessing it has a red top valve on it (don’t touch it ) ?
I’m guessing it has a red top valve on it (don’t touch it ) ?
No...It has a small black ''tyre valve cap'' sized bit on top. It is a Zilmet 4 bar 130 cal pro.
Have also pressed the +&- buttons 5 secs but no pressure is shown, Also deactivated the heating rad sign and tried again pressure shown but S 30 came up. Thought it was 530?? Tried pressing again but nothing comes up only the 2 horizontal bars

Would recommend fitting that eg swap the heating valve for that

If your ok with compression fitting turn both valves off remove the flexi off the cold water / mains side eg leave the heating side attached

Open the heating valve while the flexi end is in a bucket (slowly open the valve )

Once stopped / down to a dribble close the valve get the new guage valve handy undo the compression nut on the heating old valve and swap them over and tighten the nut back up and refill etc you will have to go round bleeding the rads etc
Would recommend fitting that eg swap the heating valve for that

If your ok with compression fitting turn both valves off remove the flexi off the cold water / mains side eg leave the heating side attached

Open the heating valve while the flexi end is in a bucket (slowly open the valve )

Once stopped / down to a dribble close the valve get the new guage valve handy undo the compression nut on the heating old valve and swap them over and tighten the nut back up and refill etc you will have to go round bleeding the rads etc
Thanks Shaun, Great Advice. Will buy one tomorrow ready for Warrantee engineer on Monday and he can fit it whilst carrying out the repair. Really appreciate your time especially on a saturday night when you could be watching Strictly. If you were close would happily buy you a pint (Happy hour only!!!) Thanks Brian
They won’t fit it if it’s the warranty engineer from gloworm
OK Shaun....Thought it might be the case .....However, I will just ask him to show me that he has set the pressure to the correct level before he leaves - as stated in the manual and see what reply I get and then take it from there. Its pretty stupid to have a system that requires to have a pressure setting not to be either supplied with one or their recommended engineer not to have fitted one independently on swap over. Will have to get the original approved engineer to come and fit it if all other conversations fail.
I had a Glow Worm Energy7 15r boiler fitted a year ago. I also cannot get the pressure displayed at the boiler despite what is stated in the Operating Instructions.

I have a red expansion vessel with kit that includes the Filling loop and Safety relief valve complete with gauge.

On page 19 of my Glow worm Energy7 Regular Installation and Maintenance Instructions it states: ‘A pressure gauge with a set pointer and covering at least 0 to 4 bar (0 to 60 lb/in2) shall be fitted permanently to the system in a position where it can be seen when filing the system’.

The Glow Worm GAS BOILER SYSTEM COMMISSIONING CHECKLIST includes: ‘The operation of the boiler and system controls have been demonstrated to and understood by the customer

The Operating Instructions state: ‘Once a month, check that the pressure in the central heating system, which is displayed on the user interface, is between 0.05 MPa and 0.27 MPa (0.5 bar and 2.7 bar).’ How can you do this if there is no pressure gauge?

In my opinion the installation is not complete if there is no pressure gauge. I would claim of the installer. If that does not succeed I would put a warranty claim to Glow worm. IMO Glow Worm is also at fault, both for incorrect information in the Operating Instructions and because their approved installer failed to complete the installation.
Thanks Enthalpy,
Your conclusion is exactly my interpretation of the situation.
1. Glow worm are initially at fault either not manufacturing a product to match their own specification in either producing a boiler with an integral pressure gauge or supplying a loose item in the box or separately as with the magnetic remover required to make the warrantee valid.
2. The installer has also failed to complete the installation correctly by not fitting a gauge in the pipework.
I have the warrantee engineer coming tomorrow and I am going to start off playing dumb and see what he says about the problem and the installation.

I can't go back directly to the installer as I have already had that conversation immediately after installation and he specifically said "If I want one fitted it would be at my expense.
So I am already prepared to write to the CEO stating their failures, quoting chapter and verse and asking him to pass it to their legal department for action.
Luckily, in one way, because I had my own business I am used to dealing with such matters and a legal argument in right up my street.
I appreciate your time in replying

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