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Plumbers working their evenings

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Jock Spanners

Plumbers Arms member
Gas Engineer
Evening All,

I've just spoken to someone who wanted me to call around one evening this week to fit an electric shower which he's bought. He told me he works during the day. I told him I work nine till five - like everyone else. I don't want to work my evenings so I wouldn't budge. It set me thinking - I've had a number of potential customers asking me to work evenings this year. What do other self-employed plumbers do? Do they all work evenings? Do they charge double time?
Maybe you should consider if you are to work in an evening for a couple of hours, then later take a couple of hours off one of your normal working days, - say finish at 3 instead of 5.
That way you will have done same normal hours at end of week, but with extra money.
I have to just work when customers really need me, evenings or weekends if heating stopped, or leaks or showers not working.
However, I do not like customers trying to make me work at awkward times just because they are unreasonable
I don't mind responding to emergencies for established customers and I'll work weekends if I need to finish a big job - I just resent being expected to work my evenings routinely. I guess it's just a question of work/life balance. Perhaps I should charge time and a half and then take time off pro rata - that seems reasonable.
I Worked all hours up to christmas this year then i had a bit of a health scare so i have been try to cut back on my work load , saying that i had two 8pm finishes last week one of them was changing a electric shower for a eldery customer , the other was sorting a future project out very rarely do work less than a 50 hour week then is paperwork and pricing on top of that cheers kop
I dont mind working the evening or weekend but what bothers me is when people expect you go "go and have a look"

I was in the middle of a full install last month and someone wanted me to quote for UFH and cylinder install. the install was an hour from my home, the other job was an hour from where I was working and then another hour drive home. when I got the time to go and quote I called them again to be told "someone actually bothered to turn up"

expectations eh...
I take any jobs from early morning till late evenings. I do not mind to work a little harder / or longer than others as long as I get paid that's fine to me. Me personally, I use the time without having children to make a decent life. I believe once you've got children it's a little bit of a change isn't it?
I also work weekends but as said if the money is alright. Some of the people think you come and see the job - tell them what's wrong and how to solve it- asking you how much you charge and ten they tell you I'll get back to you ...
That's an absolute time waster and unfortunately you've got loads of people like that. I also hate people who tries to bargain- very annoying.
Will only go out for old established customers , unless they have water poring out I wont go, Tell them to call an emergency Co , usely come back with they are to expensive, so option 1. wait until morning 2. Call someone else ! surprising how quick they can get a couple of Hrs. off from work when needed.
I seem to be working most days upto 8 or 9 at the moment, I do a full day on a larger job (house wiring at the moment) and then a small job or quote(s) in the evening. I don't charge any extra I just consider it part of the job.

A lot of customers work all day so I would loose a lot of work otherwise.
I seem to be working most days upto 8 or 9 at the moment, I do a full day on a larger job (house wiring at the moment) and then a small job or quote(s) in the evening. I don't charge any extra I just consider it part of the job.

A lot of customers work all day so I would loose a lot of work otherwise.
That the way, its more or less what I do. All these 4pm finishers pulling up in their driveways and I'm like only another 4 hours to go..
Typical plumbers....That's why your so hard to get hold of:D I would love to not have to work past 5 or on weekends but I just don't see that being possible being your own boss. For example quoting for private customers who normally work until 5, writing up quotes, Test certificates etc. I could just imagine packing my tools up at 4.30 with a consumer unit hanging off the wall still and telling the customer best get some candles and a takeaway tonight because ill be back tomorrow to finish as I don't work past 5 :eek:
Typical plumbers....That's why your so hard to get hold of:D I would love to not have to work past 5 or on weekends but I just don't see that being possible being your own boss. For example quoting for private customers who normally work until 5, writing up quotes, Test certificates etc. I could just imagine packing my tools up at 4.30 with a consumer unit hanging off the wall still and telling the customer best get some candles and a takeaway tonight because ill be back tomorrow to finish as I don't work past 5 :eek:
Not hard to get hold of ! just more organised than spark's !! hence - No evenings or weekends 11 Work smarter , Not Harder :D
Premium rate at weekends. That's family time. Evenings for viewing jobs, then daytime for doing the job. Exceptions only for good customers. Tyre kickers - ask them if they would work for less than the normal rate. I only work on recommendation. If the customer tries to drive down the rate, I just ask them to ask the person that recommended me why they did so - it will not be price!
I get up before 7 like clockwork, reason why I start at 8 rather than 9 is I just wouldnt know what to do with the extra hour.
We do the odd evening/weekend. It's usually for commercial customers who are happy to pay much higher rates than domestic customers as there's an impact on their business if machines etc are turned off during the day.

When you ask for time and a half for evenings I've found that most people who want the job done are then miraculously able to be available during the day :)
don't tar us all with the same brush lee I just worked Saturday , Sunday and the bank holiday Monday, did a combi swap, a emergency call out to change a shower pump on the Monday which leaked through the ceiling , first fixed a bathroom and another boiler , then did all the warranties online in the evening you do what you need to through choice my trouble is I feel guilty if I say no hey ho roll on june off on holiday all the best kop
don't tar us all with the same brush lee I just worked Saturday , Sunday and the bank holiday Monday, did a combi swap, a emergency call out to change a shower pump on the Monday which leaked through the ceiling , first fixed a bathroom and another boiler , then did all the warranties online in the evening you do what you need to through choice my trouble is I feel guilty if I say no hey ho roll on june off on holiday all the best kop

I get burned out after a 6 day week, learned that everything suffers even my work when I am going full speed I guess if you can manage the load and do good work more power to you mate
Not really bud just the same as you i am burnt out as the next guy if you do good work everyone wants you trouble is their patiece wears thin having to wait so long they dont care about anyone else you may be working for , tried getting others in to help and you just get let down and end up going back over their work so bit of a vicious circle rant over , off to me hospital appointment see what that shows up cheers kop
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