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Showroom isn't paying

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Hi everyone, I have been working for myself for around 2 years now and I have started doing work for bathroom shower in Glasgow. It worked great at the start they supply materials and customer and I supply trades with an invoice sent on completion. It's gotten to the point where he owes me for 3 (I've already paid other trades) and there is 2 ongoing. I'm starting to hear of other subcontractors who are in the same position and are owed for a few jobs some even upwards of 20k. I'm now at the stage where I can't afford to even put fuel in my van and he won't even answer his phone so where do I stand and what can I do?
Contact Pete beaumont

I’ve used him before and it got sorted
If he won't answer his phone and owes you for 3 jobs + 2 ongoing, you're as good as f'd in my opinion.

Get in first before the money disappears.

Go to the ongoing jobs and start to remove materials - if need be inform the customer.
For the previous jobs - rock up to the houses and present them with an invoice for works outstanding.

Don't get aggressive or violent, just speak to the customer politely.

Use a line - So and so hasn't paid me and he told me to drop by to try and sort out my invoice with you directly.
He also said that he has given up on you paying for the job and hence can't pay me.

Do you have any issues with the work I have done?

It's a long shot, but it may get the client to call the person who owes you money while you are there.

I did this a 3 or 4 years ago with a builder that owed me money, with 3 customers.
Got most of my money owed and left 3 jobs that would have left the builder and customers in extreme grief - st a much later date.
TBH removing parts from ongoing jobs isn't a great idea ........... but not turning up to continue is probably the best approach

Ignore the phone calls & emails not being returned - write a letter requesting payment of the outstanding invoices, including copies AND deliver them by hand so they can't be claimed to have been lost in the post.

Then is they remain unpaid 7 days later you need to issue a written final demand including the following:

Dear xxxxxx

RE: Final demand for Invoice No's . ***, ***, ***

It is with some regret that I feel that your reluctance to pay this invoice, dated xx month year leaves me with no other choice but issue this final demand. I have sent a number of reminders requesting payment and I have demonstrated a lot of flexibility by not chasing you too much during these difficult times.

I attach my original invoices to this letter and wish to inform you, that if the invoice is not settled in full by xx month year I intend to refer this matter to the Small Claims Court without further reference to you.

Please be aware that all costs associated with such action are added to your outstanding bill and will make the final payment higher.

Yours sincerely,"

If you don't issue reminders by post and don't allow them time to pay then any claim could get thrown out.

Be patient and go by the book, but don't do any more work for them.
This would be fraud and/or theft in the UK.
It may be deemed fraud or theft anywhere, but it may get the ball rolling in your favour.
The customer might call the Showroom and demand to know why contractors haven't been paid for works.
The customer might also have their phone call answered!

The Showroom may go into liquidation and none of the contractors will be paid.
Mt point is, get in there early, because you don't want to be one of the contractors that have left it too late and end up with nothing.

I know contractors can have their paid money clawed back if a company goes into administration, but there is a timeline for that, and if you get in early enough, you may beat that timeline - one hopes.

Oh, by the way, the Showroom will never be prosecuted for fraud or theft, they will legally go into liquidation / administration at the expense of the contractors, with all the money collected and not paying anyone.

Been there, experienced that and have had to pay beck money received from companies due to their liquidation.

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