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Tap drips for about 2 minutes then stops

Discuss Tap drips for about 2 minutes then stops in the USA Plumbers Advice area at

I have a mixer tap which drips for a couple of minutes after turning off then stops. Only happens with the hot.

It is a traditional type of cartridge with a tap washer. I have replaced the washer which looks like it had a small groove in it. However the new washer did make any difference.

Any thoughts?
If it drips and then stops this is just the water in the spout coming out. This will be due to the design of the tap. If it only does it in the hot I suspect that the spout is dual flow, ie hot/cold have separate channels/pipes within the spout.
It is fine, you won’t be able to stop it anyway!
Only other thing to do it clean any flow straightener that may be fitted to the end of the spout.

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