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This new-fangled renewable technology...

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Some seem to think it is the future, but I have spoken to others who are more cynical and dont think its as good as others make out.

Am I right in thinking that any renewable heating system will be unable to cope with all the heating needs of a house, and still require a standard water heating system, such as a gas boiler or immersion heater to 'top up' the household needs?
And of course, are solar panels effective in the middle of winter when heating requirements are highest?

The reason I am asking is that it look like we may be offered a renewable course at college, which some of the lads are excited about and now say they are not going to do the ACS/Gas safe route, opting just for renewables instead.
This is understandable as the Gas route is becoming more and more unfeasable for anyone without gas experience.

Im not too sure though...

Please discuss

If properly sized and correctly installed, some systems are just as good as a conventional heating system. You tend to hear more horror stories of people fitting under or over sized systems and ending up with horrendous electric bills. Some people get stuck in their ways and cant see past gas/oil that's just their way.
I know that heat pumps for instance do work, they fall down when they are sold/installed by people who don't know what they are doing, you cant just bung in a heat pump like the way some throw in a boiler with the "it will be alright attitude". You have to size it up correctly (as you should do with any heating system of course) and understand the control systems behind it.
I would take the renewable's course if you are offered it but I would still take the gas elements as no matter what anyone thinks, fossil fuels will be around for a long time yet.
I don't do renewable's myself, something that is a great idea, I do feel we are told its the way to go, but I have read the people in the know are back tracking in saying what it can do as opposed to what it will do. I don't think its 100% ready to take over and will prob always need a form of back up. But train now and in a few more years you might be laughing. Saying that, when we all have a form of renewable, prices will go up to compensate for other energy bills going down.
Of course it can do 100% without back up, have you not read my above post. Over the months of oct-dec they were running fine with a massive saving against LPG and oil, the only time renewables don't really pay is against natural gas
A correcltly sized and installed ground source can match natural gas just, Air source + solar will do in the very near future.
Its all down to the price of gas which we all know will continue to rise along with electricity. The air source heat pump technolgy is advancing so quick it will not be long before they are direct replacments for gas boilers (heat only) That said with all the combis most folk are fitting it will be a case of where can we put a cylinder
can anyone see them in terraced houses (heat pumps) lots of noise when they are all running, but maybe it will be something we will have to put up with
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