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Dual immersion heater with sink/bath switch

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I have read of hot water cylinders being heated with a dual element immersion heater. The main principle being that a shorter element heats the top of the tank and then, subsequently, a longer element comes into play. With a bath/sink switch the longer element may be disabled. The topic of such dual heaters has appeared occasionally in this forum.
However, I have been unable to find any supplier for such an immersion heater. Please, does anyone know if these are still available?
Any advice/links would be appreciated.
Yes they are still available and so are the switches.
(I fitted one in my first house in 1972)

You'd need to confirm the maximum length that will fit your cylinder and whether it will fit without hitting the heating coil used by the boiler, if it has one.

Search Dual Immersion heater and they come up.

This one is 27", they are available in 30" and 24" (incoly are better than plain copper.),

Switches at various prices, various manufacturers,

They are easy to find by Googling once you know that they are called 'Dual Element Immersion Heaters'.

Replacing old immersion heaters can be a bit tricky due to scaling and corrosion.

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