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Morning Everybody - Hope all is well? - What have we got on, how are we all doing?

Discuss Morning Everybody - Hope all is well? - What have we got on, how are we all doing? in the UK Plumbers Forums area at


Staff member
Morning everybody.
  1. Hope you are all well. What have you got on today / the rest of this week?
  2. How are we all feeling? I think we need help each other out a bit when we're in times like these. Hope you're doing okay.
  3. When are you up for your jab? - Do you know yet?
  4. How's work, is it still trickling through or has it dried up? Or perhaps you're booming at the moment with boilers breaking left right and center.
  5. What PPE extras are you taking?
  6. Which suppliers are open physically? Which are online only? Where are you getting your stuff from?
Answer all or any or nowt. Let's see if we can check in and help each other out.
I used to use an app for call blocking - I can't remember the name but the logo was an octopus. I think it was called Should I answer?
Morning all - doing ok here, especially as I'm trying to slow down a bit now I'm approaching 63.
Business has been good up to now and I've had my second jab (on Tuesday) with relatively small side effects although I think that what I experienced might have been more to do with having the jab in the morning and then doing 3 hours of martial arts training in the evening :)
I hope that everyone is staying safe and remembering to sanitize hands and wear a mask (properly, not just over the mouth) when inside, if there are others present that is.
I've been doing the lateral flow tests twice a week as well because I do a fair bit of work in care homes. I was travelling 8 miles to get the test done but now I can do it at home it really helps to ease the pressure on my time
Time to off load 😜 , what the hell is happening out there my workload is off the scale I'm drowning in work looking six months ahead now done my usual and over commited what a dick 😂😂 , now have to spend all the summer months stuck in bathrooms with the odd day off for boiler stuff , now pushing work to my stepson huge two storey extension today , I have two kitchen fitters I work in with they are the same so got to keep them happy as well , the wife is still off work now 13 weeks after a fall at home broke both her wrists all healing well after a small op on the left one but still a weakness there no way she can do her old job just yet, me own body's hurting knees are shot struggling a bit 🥴 on the bright side weathers set to change a few things in the diary to look forward to double jabbed so now not so worried keep well all .

Regards kop
I’ve worked through the pandemic, only things that are different is: our customers attitude - some think the jab is the be all and end all. Also our working policy is to wear a mask still until August. I was and still am undecided about the jab. PPE has remained the same, gloves and mask. Minor supply issues.
Morning everybody.
  1. Hope you are all well. What have you got on today / the rest of this week?
  2. How are we all feeling? I think we need help each other out a bit when we're in times like these. Hope you're doing okay.
  3. When are you up for your jab? - Do you know yet?
  4. How's work, is it still trickling through or has it dried up? Or perhaps you're booming at the moment with boilers breaking left right and center.
  5. What PPE extras are you taking?
  6. Which suppliers are open physically? Which are online only? Where are you getting your stuff from?
Answer all or any or nowt. Let's see if we can check in and help each other out.
Question to anybody out there..... would you say 6 foot 5 is too tall to become a plumber ????
It's a long way down mate 🤣🤣 seriously Ive a mate 6 ' 2" and his back is shot it can take its toll on your body over the years . Kop

I can attest to bad back / you have to watch what you do also it’s a pain eg kitchen cupboard/ tight lofts
Hotter still here Dan 🤣 enjoying some r and r .kop


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Good morning all!

I've been working on the ads again and although some subscribed will see ads around the forum only for the next couple of days.

You'll notice I got in very early this morning. It's 00:29 so I'm off to bed, now the ads are at least not covering content.

I'll sort the user groups out in the next few days.

Thanks for your patience people 🙂 🙏
I've been working on the ads again and although some subscribed will see ads around the forum only for the next couple of days.
With my browsers (safari macos and iPad), ads are currently making the site virtually unusable. A few weeks ago, it started injecting 'vertical banners', i.e about 2cm wide and 10cm long into posts. In some cases, e.g. Lou's post above repeated several times. This tends to affects the first dozen or so posts on a forum. It seems to be slightly better when I am logged in but when not logged in it's difficult to see any actual posts.

I can't believe what I'm currently experiencing is what you intend. If, for some obscure reason, you are not seeing what I'm describing I can try to make a video that illustrates the point.
With my browsers (safari macos and iPad), ads are currently making the site virtually unusable. A few weeks ago, it started injecting 'vertical banners', i.e about 2cm wide and 10cm long into posts. In some cases, e.g. Lou's post above repeated several times. This tends to affects the first dozen or so posts on a forum. It seems to be slightly better when I am logged in but when not logged in it's difficult to see any actual posts.

I can't believe what I'm currently experiencing is what you intend. If, for some obscure reason, you are not seeing what I'm describing I can try to make a video that illustrates the point.
Morning Chuck!

It is not what we intend so apologies for that. Dan has been working on the ads for the past few weeks as Google have been making some big changes.

What you can see is not going to be the final version.

Thanks for sticking it out!

Happy New Week!

Anyone starting any new projects this week?
Morning all. Lou and I are having a nice breakfast in the Weatherspoons next to the Award Winning Queens Gardens in Newcastle Under Lyme. :)

Free good coffee all day now. And we get out of the office.
Dan must have been messing with setttings!!

Morning all did everyone have a good weekend?

Monday Morning and I have two cuts on the tip of my thumb and index finger on my right hand! Typing is already a pain in the aR$e.

I think the boss @Dan needs to give me a days off. It effects mouse clicking too!!!!
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Well we all made it through another wet and windy week! Not long now till the clocks go forward! How has it been youur end?

Its Raining GIF by Garfield

Someone come and say hello - I do not bite! Lets get a waffle going!

Reply to Morning Everybody - Hope all is well? - What have we got on, how are we all doing? in the UK Plumbers Forums area at

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