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Problems logging in

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Having issues logging into this site, I can open a thread but am unable to log in to reply. I've cleared cache and cookies and cookies are enabled I have also tried with all extensions disabled with no joy. Anyone have any ideas?
Ditto here for the past few days so what I do.....

Login then click forget password then click reset, you will then be asked for your email insert this and go to emails then click reset passwords it goes back to the forum so use your saved password (or write it in) confirm it and you are then logged in. A PITA but it works.
I've been doing the same as that John, thought it might sort itself out but doesn't seem to have.
I also thought that the number of password resets sent out might trigger someone to look into it, maybe they are?
I'm here and looking into it.

You shouldn't need to keep resetting your password to login. And even if a million people reset their password in a day, we wouldn't know it's all automatic.

But posting this thread got my attention. And I'm dealing with 1 guy via email.

Do any of you use Ad Blocker at all? Can you tell me what devices you're using and getting the problem with? And whether you've tried a different device to just test out logging in on that?
Laptop running Debian 10 and Firefox 78.9.0esr (64bit) tried with ad blockers disabled same result. Was going to try from a live usb but haven't got round to it yet
I'm also on Electricians forum, no problems with that.
No Adblocker
P.C with W.10 with Firefox

Just tried on Android phone, had to reset password to log in.
But it's remembering me on that.
If I log out on the Android I have to reset password to log in again.
I don't know how significant it is but on occasions I get a notification saying there's a security problem and am asked to go back, refresh the page and log in again.
Okay people there is definately a login issue somewhere and we're aware of it. @Lou even has the issue on her computer but she is still logged in on her phone. Let me run some tests and I'll keep you updated in this thread.
Hi all. I'm on my phone OK but I still can't log in on my laptop after I had to log out earlier. And I'm sat in the same room as @Dan! He's trying to sort it out
Probably worth mentioning that I'm logging in from overseas. The log in not working issue seems to have occurred simultaneously with the privacy notice pop up no longer appearing in English and in the same theme as the rest of the site but in Italian and not quite stylistically the same as the site. Hope this may be useful information?
I've noticed the problem has occurred since the privacy pop up I see when I enter the site has changed from being in English to being in Italian and in a different colour/style. Correlation. Hope this helps.
Okay, for now I've disabled something so that everything will work as it was before. But I'll need to find some time to do some testing with this. We've basically reverted back to how we were running before.
Yep that worked.
Logged in straight away from Password manager.
Closed browser, came back still logged in.
Logged out and logged back in no problem.
It's not over yet mate I've just reverted back to the old routing option. But I will need to try again at some point but I need to be around when doing it. And my ad guys company is in Mountain Pacific timezone so 4pm here is 9am there so it's hard to find time when he's online and ready to test.

So this will be a slow process I think lol
Tried a different way of adding the new ad network and that screwed up logging in too. So will revert back.
Okay people I have the ad networking running, and the original cookie notice we've had for a year or so, and are routing through the new ad network just fine, and fingers crossed it all seems to be going okay.
Smartphone now unable to log in. Have the original privacy notice, but once logged in it reverts me back to the unlogged in page. Not tried desktop computer today.
I'd been getting on O.K untill earlier when I logged out and couldn't get back even trying reset , no email sent.

Just tried again now and logged in O.K
Hi Dan, I couldn't log in the other day, so I couldn't post a reply. All seems to be OK now and site running smoothly.
Many thanks for your help and support in running the site - generally a thankless task, you just get moaned at!
People may experience issues for the next couple of hours whilst we do some updates.

Thanks for understanding
Note that I am testing this new ad network and we may have some login issues again. So please update me in this thread if you can't login.
Me too so far. I'm hoping all is well this time. You will see lots of ads for a week or so but either use an ad blocker, subscribe, or just let them run as they'll wind down a bit in the next week or so. We just need configure them.
Note that I am testing this new ad network and we may have some login issues again. So please update me in this thread if you can't login.

the only reason i'm posting here was that your email that reminded that i even had a login for this forum, and as i don't frequent here can i request that my details are removed from your system. you can "anonyimise" my account and remove my email address etc from your forum database and any associated mailing lists.

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