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URGENT What hot water system should I use?

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I'm struggling to find advise on my set of circumstance here, I'm moving into a new flat and it needs a new boiler and bathroom. Here are my constraints:

  • The property is electric only - no chance of gas
  • There is no cold water tank - ground floor flat so definitely not an option
  • As I cannot have a cold water tank I therefore believe power (pump) shower is not an option
  • I believe the current shower is electric, so a better newer one is definitely on the cards
  • Heating system is electric radiators - no provision for wet heating, underfloor or otherwise and I have no intention of fitting such a asystem.
  • It's a 2 bed flat, I live on my own, and will just have shower, bathroom tap and kitchen tap to supply with hot water
An electric shower would be a simply option, but I;m worried it won't give me enough flow at a good tmep. For reference I currently have a gas boiler that gives me a 7 l/minute shower at 43 degrees, that's with 10 degree mains water. If my maths is right that means I would need a 16.5 KW electric shower to achieve the same result assuming 100% efficiency which I'm pretty sure is outside the realm of possibility.

Alternatively there is combi boilers - seems a popular choice but I don't see how this would be much better as I don't need the heating function and typical power ratings seem like they won't do much bertter than an electric shower. I also hear a lot about people having pressure issues running showers off of combis - I have a feeling this isn't suited for electric?

Finally I have considered unvented systems, but they seem to take up lots of space, are less efficient and very expensive.

Have I missed any options here, and can anyone comment on the real life practicalities of electric showers, are modern ones able to mitigate lower flow and temperature with clever tech or is it jsut not going to be as good as a normal shower - or am I just spoiled with what I currently have?

ANy advice would be greatly appreciated.
What’s the mains water pressure and flow like ?
Hi, five years ago, I installed a water heater. Copper pipes are used to connect this water heater. Last week I noticed that the pipes are covered with a green substance. I think the lines are oxidized. I heard that if the oxidization is Sevier, then there are chances for the leak. Could anyone give me a suggestion? Your advice will be a big help.
Hi, five years ago, I installed a water heater. Copper pipes are used to connect this water heater. Last week I noticed that the pipes are covered with a green substance. I think the lines are oxidized. I heard that if the oxidization is Sevier, then there are chances for the leak. Could anyone give me a suggestion? Your advice will be a big help.
if its green its sulphate probably caused by not cleaning the flus off the joints after soldering, clean them off as best you can.

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