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i have been thinking lately how interesting my life is!

sat watching tv with the missus, coronation street this time, (yawn) (except becky...un yawn)

anyway im house watching, and have just realised i spend most of the time looking at the plumbing installations. that thermostat shouldnt be there. that boiler is a fake because there are not enough pipes etc etc

i have now realised i know the model names and numbers of the products i see, ocassionally i quote them to ny wife, who just give me the " get a life stare "

this morning in my plumbers merchants we got onto the subject somehow, and he tells me his problem is worse. exactly the same as mine but he knows the 12 digit order part number for most of the stuff he see's on tv

whenever i go into a pub or friends, i always find myself looking under the basins at the pipework and rating the plumber who installed it.

i would really appreciate you proffesionals out there telling me, that its not just me, and we all do the same (apart from the 12 digit code)

please reply so i can show my sarah, that im not a sad plumber. ta.

dave, when your in the pub, do you honestly not have a look at the pipe runs??

my missus now wetting herself with glee, knowing im sad. help me out. ta.

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I would say they do shaun...

I'm a tiler and i do it all the do all tilers i can't help it it's your lol lol...

but i don't know all the tile names yes you are lol lol...
Shaun, I suupose i used to in the old days but my local boozer has got storage heaters!!
As long as you dont start ordering your pints by product number you'll be fine!
im the same migoplumber, i usually take a quick peek at the plumbing work in the boozers (when no one is around to see me do it lol) and when me and the missus are driving through town ill point out the houses i have done work on and what work i did lol. a typical drive for me is "ooh i fitted the kitchen in that house there" "ah theres mr bloggs house, nice guy i fitted his central heating" to which the missus replies "oh how interesting (in a very un-interested tone of voice)" lol. glad to know its not just me then.

i also had a mate who was a tree surgeon, who would point out everything wrong with the trees we past to which i'd give the same reply as my missus does to me lol.
I used to work in a china and glass shop and everytime I went for a meal to a restaurant or someone's house, I'd turn the plates over to see if I'd guess the correct pattern and manufacturer.

Got slightly messy if I hadn't finished my soup first.
I have to bite my tongue when I'm in friends houses to avoid commenting on the plumbing.

When I get in from work and explain what I've been doing during the day my wife's eyes glaze over. I get the same when I get home from a CIPHE meeting.

I think the worst bit it if a few of us get together for a drink. If we happen to visit the toilet at the same time we stand at the urinals discussing the state of the plumbing.

I thought it was just me i'm exactly the same, looking at the plumbing in boozer toilets etc im always looking for tools as well. I even went up to a merchants the other week specificaly to pick up leaflets and brochures :) im still only an apprentice but I want to know the ins and outs of fittings and whats on the market for the industry. I own numerous plumbing books.

I also point out houses ive worked in when I drive past them to my GF or family & friends, its odd for me because when i see one of the houses i worked in my early days as a first year I look back on what I found hard back then and think how far you can come along. It gives me a weird eerie feeling.
I think we are all the same deep down, some just won't admit it! I find the plumbing in Europe most interesting and by our standards, appalling! My Mrs says I love plumbing more than her, you've just got to laugh and get on with it!
I have to bite my tongue when I'm in friends houses to avoid commenting on the plumbing.

When I get in from work and explain what I've been doing during the day my wife's eyes glaze over. I get the same when I get home from a CIPHE meeting.

I think the worst bit it if a few of us get together for a drink. If we happen to visit the toilet at the same time we stand at the urinals discussing the state of the plumbing.

ive heard about men like you who go to the toilet together and admire each others plumbing
ciphe? cottaging in public house envoiroments?
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